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Training Tips for German Shepherd Puppies

German shepherds are one of the best dog breeds thanks to their intelligence and loyalty. If you’ve recently adopted a new dog from a German shepherd breeder, it’s important to know how to train your puppy the right way. Read on for a few tips about training German shepherd puppies, so that your dog grows up to be happy, healthy, and obedient.

  • German shepherd puppies should be socialized as soon as they receive their first round of vaccinations. Consider enrolling your puppy in a training class, so he or she can begin to socialize with other dogs. Make sure that your dog stays safely at home until they’re about four to six months old and have gotten all of the required shots and vaccinations before you attend any classes.

  • All puppies love to chew, and German shepherds are no exception. Make sure that you train your puppy how to use his mouth the right way at an early age, so he understands the difference between healthy and unhealthy chewing and biting. If you need a referral to a training class, ask your German shepherd breeder for more information.

  • Using food treats to help train your puppy is an effective method. Reward your dog whenever he listens to commands to provide him with positive reinforcement. This is the best way to ensure that your dog learns quickly and that he learns how to understand and obey a variety of commands.

  • Remember that training any dog breed takes a lot of time and patience. Attend training classes with your dog regularly to ensure the best results and try not to skip a class unless it’s absolutely necessary. Due to their extremely high level of intelligence, most German shepherd puppies will catch on quickly and be able to graduate from their obedience class in no time.

German Shepherd Puppies: Text
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